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Scottish Premiership/CelticFC|Yuki Kobayashi|小林友希

PES2021/PC_Face_Data_Sider ver.

🔶system check beta v0.2|システムチェックベータ版v0.2


🔶Prohibited matterTerms of service

Acts of altering, duplicating, distributing, publishing, selling, or transferring digital content, or acts of storing for these purposes, without our prior consent.



🔶Due to the nature of the product, we cannot accept returns, refunds or exchanges.


Scottish Premiership/CelticFC|Yuki Kobayashi|小林友希

¥380 通常価格
  • Downloading requires a system usage fee that includes a 3D model production fee.|ダウンロードには3Dモデル制作手数料を含むシステム利用料が必要です。

  • ※The download link will be sent by e-mail after manual confirmation by paypal from the viewpoint of paypal's risk management. Manual verification can take up to 72 hours. Reason: Because PESCOM's paypal operation track record is shallow. If the achievements are improved, it will be possible to send a DL link email immediately. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.|ダウンロード用のリンクはpaypalのリスク管理の観点からpaypalの行う手動確認後メールにて送信いたします。手動での確認には最大で72時間かかる場合があります。理由:PESCOMのpaypal運用実績が浅い為。実績が上がれば即時DLリンクメール送信が可能となります。ご不便をお掛け致しますがご理解の程、宜しくお願い致します。

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